Personal security
Business environment is characterized both by the opportunity to improve one’s well-being and the danger of losing it. Moreover, not only the assets of business participants, one’s personal security may be endangered. We help our Clients avoid criminal, administrative and subsidiary liability and mitigate negative effects of a launched process.
In this matter we are assisted by the Attorneys at law to whom we cooperate.
Administrative and criminal liability
Development of a safe business model at various stages of business activity:
- minimization of the risks of administrative or criminal prosecution of a business persons for entrepreneurial activity, tax nonpayment, other economic offenses and crimes;
- administrative and legal protection of business (contesting inspection reports and decisions/resolutions of public authorities);
- prevention and mitigation of potential negative effects of administrative prosecution: minimization of penalty sizes, prevention of confiscations, reduction of prohibitions.
Elena Sapego
Subsidiary liability
Protection on subsidiary liability claims to preserve funds and life comfort (absence of restrictions on exit from the country, etc.). Development of a set of recommendations and adoption of practical measures to prevent subsidiary liability of owners, top managers and other persons in order to preserve cash, property, and other opportunities.
Valery Papakul
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